free improvisations for brass and electronics

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ESSL.BURGER - Karlheinz Essl (electronics) & Klaus Burger (tuba)

Karlheinz Essl: computer & electronics
Klaus Burger: tuba, didgeridoo, cimbasso, conch shell


ESSL.BURGER was born when two distinct individuals, composer Karlheinz Essl and tuba player Klaus Burger met for a free improvisational gig in 2004. Out of the blue and without arrangements these two spirits met in time and space and their sounds melted together in a way which has never been heard before. Since then Karlheinz Essl's and Klaus Burger's paths continue to cross from time to time at different points on the planet. Their mutual goal is to experience new ways of musical communication and to create stunning sonic worlds where the sounds of brass and electronics evolve into a unique musical entity.

Das spontane Zusammentreffen zweier mit allen Wassern gewaschenen Musikern - dem Tubisten Klaus Burger und dem Elektroniker Karlheinz Essl - verheißt spannende Hörerlebnisse jenseits gebräuchlicher Schubladisierungen. Beide Künstler haben sich ihre Sporen als Interpreten und Komponisten in der "klassischen" Avantgarde verdient und sich dabei gleichzeitig mit freier Improvisation, Jazz und experimentellen Musizierpraktiken auseinandergesetzt. Ihr jeweiliges Instrumentarium haben sie individuell weiterentwickelt und es dabei zu atemberaubender Virtuosität gebracht: Klaus Burger spielt neben der Tuba auch Cimbasso, Didgeridoo und Conch Shell und versteht es, sogar der gemeinen Bierflasche packende Grooves zu entlocken. Karlheinz Essl hat sich sein eigenes elektronisches Musikinstrument mit dem unaussprechlichen Namen m@ze°2 geschaffen, das auf einem selbst entwickelten Computerprogramm basiert und über unzähliger Regler und Taster gesteuert wird.

Ohne Vorgaben oder konzeptionelle Sicherheitsnetze gestalten Klaus Burger und Karlheinz Essl aus der momentanen Situation vibrierende Klangräume, in denen sich unterschiedliche musikalische Energieströme zu explosiven Höhenflügen aufschaukeln.


Donauhalle, Donaueschingen (8 Mar 2012)

Essl Museum, Klosterneuburg/Vienna (21 Nov 2009)

Essl Museum, Klosterneuburg/Vienna (3 Jun 2007)


Klaus Burger is one of the finest tuba players in Europe with strong connections to contemporary music, but his music also has roots in extra-European traditions such as Mongolian music. Aside from playing the tuba, he is a master on a strange trombone-like instrument called cimbasso, and he plays the didgeridoo as if he lived in the Australian outback.

Beyond his work as a composer of experimental music, Karlheinz Essl has developed his own electronic instrument called m@ze°2, which is based on a computer program written in Max/MSP. Since 1998 he has been using his realtime composition environment predominantly for free improvised music. He has performed with the crème de la crème of avantgarde music. With his instrument Essl can interact spontaneously to any kind of sound environment or music utilizing a variety of external controllers in order to shape the musical output.


28 Jul 2004
Klosterneuburg, Essl Museum (A)
KLANGREISE: performance within the exhibition SPRIT AND VISION - Aboriginal Art
4 Mar 2007
St. Anton in Tirol, Alte Gerberei (A)
arctacts 07: festival for jazz and improvised music
3 Jun 2007
Klosterneuburg, Essl Museum (A)
PASSION FOR ART: PASSIONiertes Blechgebläse & unARTige Computersounds
16 Nov 2007
Kaunas, M. Žilinskas Gallery (LT)
IŠ ARTI 2007 Festival: free improvisation
7 Dec 2008
Vienna, Künstlerhaus (A)
künstler / freunde: exhibition Didi Sattmann
21 Nov 2009
Klosterneuburg, Essl Museum (A)
CHAIN REACTION: Klanginterventionen
8 Mar 2012
Donaueschingen, Donauhalle (D)
Brass Dialogs: ars nova - SWR

Home Works Sounds Bibliography Concerts

Updated: 16 Dec 2016
